blur snake

The safest way to clean your crypto

Restore & maintain your anonymity with our mixing service. We mix Crypto using Coin-Join technology providing users with untraceable coins & 100% anonymity.

Protect your identity, keep your transactions private by trying our super safe & easy-to-use mixing service today!


MixGuru: The Most Trusted Crypto Tumbler

We are the most efficient and trusted Crypto tumbling service within Web3, mixing Ethereum, Bitcoin & USDT using the highest level of anonymity.

Regain Your Privacy

MixGuru separates your personal identity from your wallet address

Invest Anonymously

Say goodbye to pseudonymous transactions and experience true anonymity with MixGuru


Our platform is intuitive and simple to use along with 24/7 Live customer support

Tor Browser Integration

Visit MixGuru using Tor browser and ensure maximum levels of anonymity.

No Stored Logs

We do not keep logs of any kind, your privacy is our priority.

CoinJoin Technology

CoinJoin is distinct from mixing services in that CoinJoin technology operators never take custody of any funds.

How It Works

Here at mix.guru we pride ourselves on simplicity & accessibility check out our easy-to-use service

Create New Wallet

Create a new Crypto wallet where you wish to store your untraceable coins

Input New Wallet Address

Select the desired coin you wish to mix and input your new wallet address

Choose Distribution & Time Delay

Select distribution & delay time, the more you randomize these components the stronger the anonymization of your coins

Join Unipool With Tracable Coins

Send your traceable coins for mixing to the specified address. After 2 blockchain confirmations the mixing process begins

Receive Untraceable Coins

You’re Done! Your untraceable coins have now been washed and sent to your new address.

Learn about our pricing for mixing operations

Randomly Generated Mixing Fees

Every mixing operation has a fee of 1% - 3%

At MixGuru we have a commitment to protecting our users’ privacy and anonymity. In order to obfuscate all transactions against Blockchain analysis, we have developed an algorithm of randomly generated fees for mixing activities.

This makes it extremely difficult for onlookers to calculate the total amount combined. This fee can differ from 1-3% and the user also pays the miners fee required by the crypto network, which is deducted from the final total.

This guarantees that your anonymity is maintained with the highest level of security.

Frequently Asked questions

What Is A Crypto Mixer?
MixGuru is a service that mixes potentially identifiable cryptocurrency funds with others, so as to obscure the trail back to the fund's original source. We execute this using CoinJoin technology.
Why Should I use a Mixer?
Most people think transacting with Crypto is anonymous, but the truth is it’s not! Most Crytocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are pseudonymous, which means that each transaction is tied to a specific wallet address or centralised exchange, making it especially easy for governments, Chain-Analysis companies and even nefarious onlookers to draw links between you, your blockchain activity and your identity.
What is the largest amount I can mix?
Our mixing mechanisms technically have no limit. However, the processing time can increase significantly if the amount is particularly large, so for this reason we have some limits in place that can exceed no more than 1000BTC / 20,000ETH.
Do I need to send my coins within a specific timeframe?
The deposit must be made to the generated address within 12 hours including the 2 confirmations of the network, so that the order can be automatically processed by our system. If you sent the coins after 12 hours, your funds are not lost. Contact our support and attach the letter of guarantee so that we can refund your money.
How Long does the Mixing Process take?
A mixing process can be completed within 1- 2 hours, but it can take longer depending on the transfer delay you set. We never take custody of your funds so the specifications in which you input when creating your order will be reflected within the delivery time.
How Many confirmations are required before the mixing process can start?
After 2 confirmations from your chosen blockchain network, the mixing process will begin.
What is a letter of guarantee?
When you form your mixing order we provide a digitally generated confirmation which serves as proof of our obligations and users are expected to save and store it after they send coins to MixGuru.
Is there customer support?
Yes! We have 24/7 live chat support.
Is mixing Crypto Legal?
The legalities surrounding Cryptocurrency transactions is entirely dependent on your geographical location and the laws within your country.

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